Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Journalism versus Public Relations

Journalism is "in danger of losing its next generation of idealists to PR." So says an article in today's Miami Herald. The piece, written by Edward Wasserman, a professor of journalism ethics at Washington and Lee University, says that public relations is offering something journalism isn't:
A role in contemporary affairs that's way beyond message creation, brand maintenance or advocacy. The PR professional is proposed as a senior counselor not just on what is persuasive and effective, but on what is right -- as chief integrity officer.

If enrollment numbers are any guide, there's some truth to this troubling development. Until about ten years ago, more students were applying to get into journalism. Now, at BYU, most students want to get into our advertising program, followed by public relations, then broadcasting journalism, and finally, print journalism.

More public relations and less journalism? This does not bode well for our nation.


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