Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CNN dumps Aaron Brown

I'm so mad that CNN is dumping my favorite show. According to Lost Remote, Aaron Brown is out, his time slot being taking over by the cable net's new flavor of the month: Anderson Cooper.

What a shame: NewsNight was a thoughtful newscast, particularly by cable standards. I'm not sure it will help CNN with ratings. But then, who knows what will help.

Cooper, who is Gloria Vanderbilt's son, has been a hot property for the past year, but particularly since the hurricane coverage. Since then, CNN has been tinkering with the format of NewsNight.

Before coming to CNN in 2001, Brown was at ABC News and before that at KIRO in Seattle. (I ran teleprompter for him at the 1988 GOP convention in New Orleans.)

I'll miss The Whip, tomorrow's papers, and Brown's wry comments.

NewsNighters fan site


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